Friday, January 06, 2006

Fear of God

3When King Herod heard this he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him.
Matthew 2:3

Focus not on King Herod here. See the latter part of the verse. All Jerusalem, the one's expecting the Messiah, were disturbed. Or as the Message puts it, they were terrified. Why?
Change. It was in the air. Scholars from the east, men of great learning had come to find this new king and pay homage. The Jews knew that a new way of life was at hand. In their own interpretations, a war was at hand. There would be a king for the Jews who would set up an earthly kingdom, but their captors must fall first.
The name of God carries power. For centuries politicians have used the name of God to manipulate people and gain favor. Taking the name of God in vain, armies murdered and killed those who would not confess Jesus is Lord. Many sins have been committed under the umbrella of holiness. But Satan is a great deceiver.
Because of the power associated with God's name and the abuse of that power over the years, there still remains a fear of God. It manifests itself differently. People now do not fight, but deny that there even is a God. Absolute truth is seen as a pipe dream. Fear that God will take away what we love in our lives convinces people to just look away from him.
We live in a time that is closer to Jesus' return than any in history. Now with Sharon dying in Israel, any hope of peace without intervention is gone. Knowing that we could be at the end of the world, that a great change could be in effect, how do you feel? There are arguments of when we'll be taken up, when there will be the Great Tribulation, or whether that's even a right interpretation. I don't mean to put doubts in your mind, Jesus will return when it's time. Only God knows that. But peace and salvation do not rest in the events of the end times. These things are from God and God alone. So how do you feel? Are you terrified? I'd say that's a bit of a natural reaction. Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. It's all in how you react to that fear...

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