Sunday, April 26, 2009

Courage examined, kind of

I find it funny how faith works. You absolutely must face your fears with faith. If you have no fear, you aren't exercising faith. It is just another task. If you face your fear with arrogance, you are a fool. The question arises, is faith equal to courage? It takes courage to face your fears. In that respect, it takes courage to have faith. It then matters who you have faith in, where your courage comes from. Currently, I am in a place where I am completely and utterly out of control of my own situation. I am trusting God to provide, not just for me, but for my family as well. Is my faith enough? Is God's response in direct relation to the strength of my faith? It is He who gives faith, so that either isn't fair or isn't true. We exercise our faith much like a muscle. No pain, no gain. No struggle, no growth. Romans chapter 5 explains this better than I can. So is courage faith? No. It takes courage to face fear no matter where your faith lies. your faith may be in yourself or in God or insome other person or deity. It is the courage, though that is needed to use the faith you have, to exercise your faith, your muscle, your mind. But if you have no faith in anything, can you have courage? Faith is needed for courage, but courage is not needed for faith. Courage builds upon the foundation of faith and is in direct relation to it probably. Quit your job with no prospects lined up. That seems stupid to the world, especially in a trying economy. Yet, if your faith is strong in whatever you believe in, what the world says makes no difference. Joshua was told by God to be strong and courageous, do not be terrified, do not be discouraged for the Lord God is with you wherever you go. Courage, strength, even the abscence of terror is based on the fact that Joshua believes in God and has faith that He will deliver Him. So, take courage, o my soul. Take courage, my friends. Remember that you can only take courage, though, if you have faith; and faith is a gift given from God Himself to you.

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