Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Ministry 2015

Your conversation with Lance Wendling, Justin Atkins, Jason T. Atchley, D.Min., FBC Eustace, Carter Strey, Denilio J Gorena, Ben Ramsey and others.   See everyone  more
Lance Wendling
Lance Wendling
e3 USA Coach/Evangelist & Speaker
Dear Pastor,

I have been an Evangelist for over 20 yrs. There is nothing more exciting than seeing someone come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Would you consider having me come to minister to your church or youth/College group. You can hear my life message on my Linked In page. For character references you can also go to my Linked In page and scroll down. If you have an opening in 2015 please prayerfully consider having me come and minister to your congregation. It would be a blessing to labor beside you as we fish for lost souls. I have included my life story and overview of my ministry below. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to email or call me.

Lance Wendling
cell (281)635-6067

In 1971 Lance was born with Spina Bifida. After years of loneliness and rejection that comes with a disability, Lance was ready to end his life until he learned about God’s unconditional love. Lance gave his life to Christ when he was 20 during a Bailey Smith revival service and soon after was called into the ministry. Lance was licensed into the gospel ministry in 1996 by Dr. John Morgan of Sagemont Church in Houston, Tx.
The Lord has blessed Lance with a message of overcoming adversity through the power of God’s grace! Lance has traveled far and wide to preach the gospel in churches of all denominations. He has been a speaker for revivals, singles events, youth rallies, camps, men’s ministries, and business meetings. Lance has been a guest on TBN’s “Praise the Lord Houston” and on Daystar Television, giving his personal testimony to God’s faithfulness through adversity. Each summer from 2007 to 2010 he led revivals statewide with ENGAGE , a ministry of the Southern Baptist of Texas Convention. He also serves as an Ambassador and Speaker with “I AM Second” ministry. Lance speaks to students in schools on a variety of topics such as anti-bullying to reaching your dreams.
Lance holds a B.A. in Biblical Studies and M.A. in Ministry from Criswell College (Dallas, Texas). He has recently written and published his first book called “Living Hope.” Lance and his wife Stefanie are members of Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, TX.
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