Saturday, December 27, 2008

Hidden God

Mark 7:24-30 "And from there he arose and went away to the region of Tyre and Sidon. And he entered a house and did not want anyone to know, yet he could not be hidden.

Jesus was a dangerous guy. He came wielding a sword of sorts. He talked about love and peace and how those things would split households and nations. Consider your respect demanded. Stories came from him about being born again. Remember, poor Nicodemus didn't have a context for that one. Jesus, the self-proclaimed Christ, hung out with the outcasts and beggars and hookers and tax collectors - all those folks we don't like to be seen with. Jesus made a name for himself. Next, he shows up at this house in the Hellenistic Gentile region wanting to hide. That's like Obama trying to hide in Canada, or Oprah in Texas. They would be found.
Obama and Oprah are famous. Of course that depends on who you talk to. Some might consider them infamous. Jesus was the same way. To those whom he healed, Jesus was famous. To the Pharisees and others who saw him ruining their lives, he was infamous. Either way, he couldn't hide. Some wanted him dead while others wanted to make him king. Still others just wanted an ear to listen to them, a hand to touch them, a heart to love them. He gave them all what they wanted and more, but for now, he wants to hide out and rest. If you read on, you find out why he couldn't make it happen.
He is dangerous and lovely and passionate and a downright mystery to us. Is that why we are trying to help him hide today? Look around at the churches in A -me-rica. Do they promote dying and carrying crosses and sacrifice? Not hardly. Every bookshelf in the Christian bookstore is crammed with self help, esteem boosting guru books. FYI, I know that God is the God of hope, but according to Romans 5, that hope comes through suffering. If we don't suffer, we don't need hope. Back to the hiding thing. We as a culture have covered Jesus in the cosmetic smorgasbord of romantic interest, buddy, daddy, and counselor. Yes, he's the wonderful counselor, and the Abba Father. He is also a king, a powerful lord, and the creator of the known and unknown universe. Where is our sense of wonder and fear and awe? We complain about unfair circumstances while he gives up his life for our screw ups! If life were fair, we'd all be dead right now. The fact is, no matter how much we try to hide and sidestep the truth about God, he cannot be hidden. Paul tells the Romans to look around because there is no excuse to deny Him. He's all around us, unhidden. He may be unseen, but he is not unknown.
When you feel like God's not around, remember this. Also remember that later in the passage, Jesus cast an unclean spirit from a Gentile girl right after he compared her to a dog. No matter how low we get, no matter how much we try to hide who God is under our excuses and justifications, he is faithful and just to forgive us. Even better, when we stop trying to hide him, people begin to see him in us as we change from glory to glory into his likeness. In that we fulfill our purpose.

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