Tuesday, October 31, 2023

WhatsApp is the NEW landing page!

Dear Casey,

One powerful tool that marketers across industries can use to engage customers on WhatsApp is "click-to-WhatsApp" ads.

Ads that click to WhatsApp allow brands to meet the NEW evolving audience expectations by offering an easy line of conversations via already in use ad platforms like Messenger, Instagram Direct, or WhatsApp. By clicking on an ad, customers can interact with your business and get engaged with the stone brand messaging. This not only creates a powerful entry point for new customers but brands can create a seamless platform for them that can drive sales and build personalized relationships.

As per recent data, 68% of consumers are inclined to buy from businesses that offer convenient communication. To this effect, even mobile ad spends are projected to grow to 70% by 2026, indicating Ads that click to WhatsApp are a winning game changer.

Extract the most ROAS on your click-to-WhatsApp ads with Gupshup's end-to-end complete ads to conversion offering.

With us, you are guaranteed to be ahead of your competitors. Book a demo with us just replying to this email with your contact details and we will call you soon!


Praanvi Dhebar
Solutions Consultant

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