Tuesday, February 23, 2010


For anyone following this to keep up with what the Roberts family is up to, this blog is for you. Over the last month or so I have been reading a book called Total Truth by Nancy Pearcy. The material covered in the book has created a change of heart and mind that cuts deep into what I have thought about myself for so long. The book discusses the split of the Christian mind and the absence of Christian thought in the world. The big catch-word in the book is worldview, and this is expounded for the reader in an easy-to-understand way that clarifies the role and power a worldview has as well as the way we practically ignore its existence. After discussing worldview, the author applies the Christian worldview to family, education, and politics to give the reader an idea of how to analyze the world around us.
This is where I felt the pull. My four measly years in education have shown me a lot, espeacially this last one in the public school. What is taught in most educational philosophy classes is that human beings are stimulus response machines that can be manipulated into behaving certain ways, when the truth is that we all have autonomy as beings made in the image of God. The pervasive presence of mere psychology in our school systems has conditioned us to behave that way. Think of a system like the one in the movie The Matrix. We have to wake up and realize that "warm bodies...are not machines that can only make money." We were created for relationship and to have dominion over the earth. That is the point of education, the family, Christianity, and our lives.
That being said, here is what I want you all to know. I am going to take steps soon to earn a master's degree in either education or religious education so that I can be in a place to bring positive and real change to the education system. Whether this will be in public school or private education, I do not know. My desire is for your prayers and for you to read the book, Total Truth.